Adding In-stream Ads to your Android app
In-stream Video monetization for Audience Network is available to select publishers on an invitation-only basis.
Video publishers can now use Audience Network's In-stream solution to deliver video ads to their global audience across mobile and desktop environments in pre-roll and mid-roll settings. Follow this guide to display this type of ad unit for Android-based video content. For monetizing your web video content with in-stream ads, see the Web implementation guide. For in-stream video ads within iOS mobile apps, see the iOS implementation guide. Or see a list of available types.
This guide will walk you through implementing in-stream video ads on Android following these steps:
Step 1: Apply for Audience Network In-stream Video
Step 2: Create Placements
Step 3: Load and Show In-stream Video Ad
Ensure you have completed the Audience Network Getting Started and Android Getting Started guides before you proceed.
Step 1: Apply for Audience Network In-stream Video
Go to your app dashboard and from the Audience Network menu on the left side of the screen, select Apps and Websites. Then, go to the "Apply for in-stream video ads" section. Please review the Requirements and, if applicable, click on the Apply button and follow the on screen instructions.
Step 2: Create Placements
Audience Network offers 4 types of ad units: banner, interstitial (app only), native ads, and In-stream Video. You will see In-stream Video as a Display Format type after you have been approved for In-stream Video. Each ad unit in your app or website is identified using a unique placement ID. The first step in adding an ad unit is to create this identifier.
Click the Create Ad Placement button to start creating placement IDs to test in your video player.
In the Create Ad Placement form, enter a Name for your placement, information on how to invoke the ad in the Steps to Trigger Ad, and select In-stream Video as the Display Format.
Create a separate placement for each location in your website or app where you want to show ads. This will allow better insights tracking and performance calibration.
If you are using Audience Network In-stream Video for multiple properties such as desktop, mobile web, and mobile apps, be sure to name your placements accordingly (e.g. desktop_placement_1 and iOS_placement_1) as this will allow you to differentiate your placements and performance across platforms.
Once you click Save, you will see your new placement listed on the Placements tab.
To learn more about creating placements, please refer to our FAQ. To maximize your revenue, check out best practices for the Performance Optimization tool.
Step 3: Load and Show In-stream Video Ad
Ensure you have completed the Audience Network Getting Started and Android Getting Started guides before you proceed.
Add the following code at the top of your activity class in order to import the Facebook Ads SDK:
Next, instantiate an InstreamVideoAdView object and make a request to load an ad. This can also be done ahead of time, to pre-cache an ad response. In place of YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID, use the id of the in-stream video placement you created earlier.
When there is no ad to show, the
will be called with error.code
set to 1001
. You should detect this and return to the content.public class InstreamVideoAdActivity extends Activity {
private final String TAG = InstreamVideoAdActivity.class.getSimpleName();
private LinearLayout adContainer;
private InstreamVideoAdView adView;
protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
private int pxToDP(int px) {
return (int) (px / this.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density);
private void loadInstreamAd() {
// Instantiate an InstreamVideoAdView object.
// NOTE: the placement ID will eventually identify this as your App, you can ignore it for
// now, while you are testing and replace it later when you have signed up.
// While you are using this temporary code you will only get test ads and if you release
// your code like this to the Google Play your users will not receive ads (you will get a no fill error).
adView = new InstreamVideoAdView(
new AdSize(
// set ad listener to handle events
adView.setAdListener(new InstreamVideoAdListener() {
public void onError(Ad ad, AdError adError) {
// Instream video ad failed to load
Log.e(TAG, "Instream video ad failed to load: " + adError.getErrorMessage());
public void onAdLoaded(Ad ad) {
// Instream video ad is loaded and ready to be displayed
Log.d(TAG, "Instream video ad is loaded and ready to be displayed!");
// Race condition, load() called again before last ad was displayed
if(adView == null || !adView.isAdLoaded()) {
// Inflate Ad into container and show it
adContainer = findViewById(;
public void onAdVideoComplete(Ad ad) {
// Instream Video View Complete - the video has been played to the end.
// You can use this event to continue your video playing
Log.d(TAG, "Instream video completed!");
public void onAdClicked(Ad ad) {
Log.d(TAG, "Instream video ad clicked!");
public void onLoggingImpression(Ad ad) {
// Instream Video ad impression - the event will fire when the
// video starts playing
Log.d(TAG, "Instream video ad impression logged!");
Whenever you are trying to show the ad in a few seconds or minutes after it is successfully loaded, youshould check whether the ad has been invalidated before displaying it.
In case of not showing the ad immediately after the ad has been loaded, the developer is responsible for checking whether or not the ad has been invalidated. Once the ad is successfully loaded, the ad will be valid for 60 mins. You will not get paid if you are showing an invalidated ad. You should call
to validate the ad.public class InstreamVideoAdActivity extends Activity {
private LinearLayout adContainer;
private InstreamVideoAdView adView;
protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// set up and request the ad
// show the ad with delay;
private void loadInstreamAd() {
// Instantiate an InstreamVideoAdView object.
// NOTE: the placement ID will eventually identify this as your App, you can ignore it for
// now, while you are testing and replace it later when you have signed up.
// While you are using this temporary code you will only get test ads and if you release
// your code like this to the Google Play your users will not receive ads (you will get a no fill error).
adView = new InstreamVideoAdView(
new AdSize(
// set ad listener to handle events
adView.setAdListener(new InstreamVideoAdListener() {
// request an ad
private void showInstreamVideoAdWithDelay() {
// Check if adView has been loaded successfully
if (adView == null || !adView.isAdLoaded() ) {
// Check if ad is already expired or invalidated, and do not show ad if that is the case.
if (adView.isAdInvalidated()) {
// Inflate Ad into container and show it
adContainer = findViewById(;
Finally, add the following code to your activity's
function to release resources the adView
protected void onDestroy() {
if (adView != null) {
When running on the simulator, test ads will be shown by default. To enable test ads on a device, add the following line of code before loading an ad:
AdSettings.addTestDevice("HASHED ID");
. Use the hashed ID that is printed to the log cat when you first make a request to load an ad on a device.Hardware Acceleration for Video Ads
Videos ads in Audience Network requires the hardware accelerated rendering to be enabled, otherwise you might experience a black screen in the video views. This applies to
- Videos creatives in Native Ads
- Videos creatives in Interstitials
- In-stream Video ads
- Rewarded Videos
Hardware acceleration is enabled by default if your Target API level is >=14 (Ice Cream Sandwich, Android 4.0.1), but you can also explicitly enable this feature at the application level or activity level.
Application Level
In your Android manifest file, add the following attribute to the
tag to enable hardware acceleration for your entire application:<application android:hardwareAccelerated="true" ...>
Activity Level
If you only want to enable the feature for specific activities in your application, in your Android manifest file, you can add the following feature to the
tag. The following example will enable the hardware acceleration for the AudienceNetworkActivity
which is used for rendering interstitial ads and rewarded videos:<activity android:name="" android:hardwareAccelerated="true" .../>